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Tips on Converting Clicks Into Appointments

One of the main issues that medical practices face when trying to attract new patients online is that is that they can receive lots of clicks, but not many appointments.

There are many reasons that potential patients could be clicking and not converting. While some reasons are out of your hands, there are ways to control and increase your chance of getting those new patient appointments.

Here are 3 smart tips to keep in mind to help convert the traffic you send to your website:

1. One of the main reasons that potential patients aren't converting is that they simply aren't ready. When writing up the content for your website, think of the reasons someone might be hesitant to do this (e.g. worried about commitment, pricing, questions about insurance, etc.). Try to think ahead with these possible roadblocks and make sure to address them proactively in your writing. If you make them feel confident in your practice, then it's more likely that they'll call or schedule an appointment online.

2. Distraction. While it's always a good rule of thumb to include content, videos and photos throughout your website, be careful. Too many options can deter your reader's focus, causing them not to convert. Be selective with your banners and links and make sure they're relevant to the purpose of your post. The longer someone spends on your website, the more likely something (dogs, doorbells, train stops) will cause them to go away from their phone or computer. Try to strike the balance between providing enough information that a potential patient wants to schedule an appointment, without providing too much.

3. Call-to-Action (CTA). Once you've got a reader hooked, finish strong with an enticing CTA that takes them to where they need to go to convert. Making it easy for them to take the next step such as calling the office or scheduling an appointment is what a visitor is looking for.

For more tips on converting your clicks or if you would like to discuss anything else, please feel free to reach out to our team at Unleash Marketing. We're always here to help you succeed!

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